donderdag 26 mei 2022


The insights that lead to an understanding of the great catastrophe that befell the world must be sought in the most diverse areas of the life of nations and people. The area which until now has been regarded as the realm of politics is only one of the currents which have come together to create this destructive event. In the thoughts, which drove July 1914 into a period of confusion, flowed through long periods many other forces that divided humanity. This book also describes only one of the currents under discussion. To what extent it is important to investigate this current, the reader may decide for himself, who in what follows will be presented with a considerable arsenal of factual material that can substantiate how certain secret societies of the Entente countries and their lodges placed an original and essentially good and necessary cause in the service of popular egoism and the selfish interests of individual human groups. A cause which should serve the whole of humanity without racial and specific differences turns from a good into a bad one if it is made into the basis of power of individual human groups. The foundations of certain views were turned by secret societies of the Entente countries into motives for the global catastrophe preparing political convictions and for influencing world events. Of course, one would be guilty of one-sidedness who does not take into account that from the places where such beliefs and influences originated, many other causes have emerged. The book that is herewith presented to the public does not want to speak comprehensively about the "question of guilt of the World War"; but wants to draw attention to things into which he who wants to find this "guilt" must also look.  Such a person will have to reconcile a few things with what he finds here. But from the account of the facts presented, the conclusion should surely follow that the seeker of this "guilt," which it would be better to call a search for the driving causes, is leaving out an important point of view if he does not direct his attention to the following.

Zurich, October 10, 1918

Note by the translator: Under this preface there is no name That it is nevertheless by Rudolf Steiner is shown by the following notarized letter dated March 24, 1937 from Karl Heise to a Frau Klein, in which he writes, among other things: "My book Entente Freimaurerei und der Weltkrieg (first edition 1918) I wrote on the initiative of Dr. Steiner. Dr. Steiner gave lectures in Dornach in 1916 on the secret map of British lodges published in my book (see above) and said on that occasion: 'Someone should deal with these things, write about them.' I myself did not hear this statement, but it was communicated to me by that university professor (You will know him), who together with Dr. Grossheintz donated the piece of land in Dornach for the "Goetheanum" [in Switzerland]. The same day I decided to begin this work. I had always been enthusiastic about Masonic ideas, for I had read a great deal about them, and had now suddenly been thrown out of the clouds, as it were, by the fact that these Freemasons were carrying out such malice (plunging Europe into war to wipe Germany off the map), and even at the time of the old Kaiser Wilhelm. I myself had never been a Freemason[1], but I had read everything - and for many years - that I could find about Freemasonry (I had spent a lot of money, read many books about it). The Freemasons were always portrayed as high idealists. Now Steiner had shown that all that was undignified deceit.) - In the same year - 1916 - I submitted my work to Dr. Steiner. He advised me to send it to [the magazine] Süddeutsche Monatshefte. He also wrote the preface as well as the so-called "flap" for the review copies to the magazines. There is no secret about this at all, I myself have told this to many people - Dr. Steiner's signature was only not printed in the book, because he himself did not sign his preface. - When the book finally came out in 1918, shortly before the outbreak of the revolution (I had incredible difficulty finding a publisher), I asked Dr. Steiner if he would write a dedication for the book. He agreed! So the dedication was placed at the beginning of the book. - Now, however, it is actually mainly thanks to Frau E. Boss-Jegher in Zurich that I found a publisher - she also put the publisher in touch with Rudolf Steiner. For, that is the main thing: Dr. Steiner financed the printing with 3,600 Swiss Francs, myself with something over 1,000 SFR., the rest the publisher contributed."

Map of Europe from the book by Karl Heise

Above this map, the following was written: "The future division of Europe as the outcome of a world war, as it was proposed in secret circles of the English speaking world. (No indications seem to have been made about the division of the North [Scandinavia] and about the more precise division of the Romance regions.)"

Area independent of England but under its sphere of influence [Refers to the marked West European coastal areas, including all of Holland].

Translation of the inscriptions on the map: "The area left for the Germans (Rhine, Danube)" - "After the predicted world war, the Danube-Balkan Confederation (Danube) emerged" - "From the dissolution of the Russian state from Czechoslovaks, Poles, Russians etc. emerged Slav-Confederation (Weichsel)."

Note by the translator: The brother Arthur of  Count Ludwig Polzer Hoditz, also mentioned here, wrote the following about this map in his book Kaiser Karl (Zürich-Leipzig-Vienna, 1928, p. 19, footnote): "I abstract from the fact that the destruction of the Hapsburg monarchy had already for some time been a foregone conclusion of those politicians who - casually said - after the collapse of the Central Powers divided the main roles of world politics among themselves. In this regard, reference should be made to the map of the division of Europe, which the Englishman Labouchère published in the satirical magazine Truth in the year 1990 - thus twenty-four years before the outbreak of the World War. That map is almost identical to today's map of Europe: Austria has disappeared as a monarchy and has made way for a League of Nations republic. Böhmen is an independent state in the casual guise of Czechoslovakia, Germany has been forced into its current narrow borders and dissolved into republican states. Above the space of Russia is the word 'desert', 'states for socialist experiments'."

Although these last words about the aims of these Western brotherhoods for Eastern Europe do not appear on the map reproduced here, this is precisely what Rudolf Steiner was referring to in his preface to Heise's book with the somewhat veiled sentence "The foundations of certain insights were turned by secret societies of the  countries of the Entente into motives political convictions for preparing the global catastrophe and for influencing world events." He explained this in more detail in one of his lectures on December 4, 1916 on the background of World War I, The Karma Of Untruthfulness Secret Societies, the Media, and Preparations for the Great War, Volume 1, which Karl Heise must have heard in Dornach: "I pointed out to you [already in 1916] that in certain occult brotherhoods of the West, demonstrably to me in the 1890s, there was already talk of the present world war and that at that time the pupils of these occult brotherhoods were taught by maps, on which was indicated how Europe was to be changed by this world war. In particular, English occult brotherhoods pointed to a war that was to come, that they were formally bringing closer, that they were preparing."[1]

In his lecture on December 17, 1916 in Dornach, Rudolf Steiner elaborated on this without, however, mentioning concrete names of English occultists. (Before his words are quoted here, perhaps a brief note on the word "sub-race" is not superfluous. This neutral term is by no means intended to be racist and refers to the fact that in the past the human race was divided into races, which in the course of time, however, will more and more change into cultural differences. Anthroposophy, which in the 1990s was, and still sporadically is, unjustly associated with racism and discrimination, is, as an conscious awareness of the general human condition, able to overcome the very thing it was accused of): "And that [i.e., the planned world war] must result in the East being used to make certain provisions - in the same way that the Papacy made its provisions in Europe. Now, of course, one sub-race has advanced [i.e., from the fourth Greco-Roman cultural age to the present fifth] and while during the Papacy one founded ecclesiastical institutions in all sorts of ways - so the Western Papacy, which has developed out of Western 'Briticism', has the task of carrying out  very definite  economic experiments in the East. That is, it has the task of setting up a certain form of economic society in the most socially possible way, which it is assumed is not yet feasible to implement in the West, since there is the fifth and not the sixth [still far in the future to come to full fruition Slavic] subrace. But the East must be used experimentally for such future experiments to begin with - political, spiritual and economic experiments must be carried out."[2]

It later turned out, as already pointed out in a footnote to the Memoranda, that he was relying on the English Catholic occultist George Harrison, who in his book The Transcendental Universe - Six Lectures on Occultism, Theosophy and the Catholic Faith (London 1884) on the future fate of the Slavic peoples, especially in the Russian empire, wrote: "We need not follow the theme any further than to say that the national character will enable them to carry out experiments in socialism of a political and economic nature, which in Western Europe would involve numerous difficulties." 

[1] There has been a great deal of controversy recently, especially in Germany, as to whether Rudolf Steiner had been a Freemason or not, and if so of which section. There is some information on this in his autobiography The Story of My Life(Ch. 36) and   From the History and Contents of the First Section of the Esoteric School, 1904–1914. This shows that in his efforts to renew the comprehensive wisdom of the ancient mystery schools in a Christian way by reuniting the disintegrated fields of science, art, and religion, he also joined formally - but not substantively - an ancient Egyptian branch of the completely ossified Freemasonry (Misraim Rite), and established a working group Mystica aeterna in it. At the outbreak of World War I, however, he immediately ended this relationship for good, and tore up all the relevant documents.

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This publication contains an annotated English translation of the two Memoranda that Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), founder of anthroposophy, s...