donderdag 26 mei 2022

VI. The Second Phase in the Development of the Macro-social Form of the New Constitutional Principle of Civilization from 1919 to 1922

The first time that the idea of the threefold social organism in this form was presented in public by Rudolf Steiner was on November 14, 1917 in Zürich, but it was on February 1919 with his Appeal to the German People and the Civilized World, the subsequent founding of the Bond for the Threefold Social Organism in Stuttgart on March 21 with a weekly journal and his publication The Threefold Social Order in April that the movement, propelled by a list of engaged speakers schooled by Rudolf Steiner, took off the ground. Literature about all these events is available in English (also online), so we can be brief about them.

            Theoretically, the threefold idea of the social organism was brought in connection with the three ideals of the French revolution, i.e. freedom in the cultural sphere, equality in the political or rights sphere of the state and brotherhood in the economic sphere.

            Furthermore, a functional comparison was made with the threefold physical organism of the human being that Rudolf Steiner had already put forward in his book Riddles of the Soul[1] in 1917, in which the groundwork for the solution of the body-soul-and- mind or spirit was laid. For the economic life, which is the basis for the production of goods, can be functionally compared to the nervous-sense system of the human organism centered in the human head, which is the basis of thinking (representing). This is so because just as wares, goods are the result of active human labor applied to nature which is a given, so are representations or mental pictures the result of a concept through an act of thinking applied to a percept which is also a given. Thus the process by which economic goods are produced in the external world is similar to the process by which representations are formed in the inner world of human consciousness. The spiritual or cultural life, on the other hand, can be functionally compared to the metabolic and limb system of the human organism, which is the basis of the will, because just as a human being will normally become sick and eventually die without being regularly fed with the necessary nutrients, so the social organism will eventually wither away and be ruined without being constantly fed practical ideas to insure its survival.

            This is a corollary to the afore-mentioned Fundamental Social Law, for if a state or any large group a people working and living together do not receive such strong life-supporting ideas raised to ideals to hold them together and give them viable perspectives for the future, then by necessity the need will arise for a strong, powerful personality or dictator to hold the state together at the expense of civil liberties, if the state is not to disintegrate into political unrest, strife and eventually total chaos.

            And just as the political sphere of rights ideally has the function of regulating  and harmonizing the whole life of society, so the circulatory and breathing system of the heart and lungs, which is the basis for feeling,  has the function of regulating and harmonizing the vital processes of the human organism.

            And moreover, just as a healthy human organism consists of a proper interrelationship between its three subsystem, and if not due to an unhealthy life-style and bad surroundings etc. sickness  will result, so a peaceful, harmonious society can only come about when it is generally recognized  that the  three subsystems must to this end be brought into the proper relationships to each other and that their improper relationship is the root cause for unrest, strife and eventually war.

            Alas, even though some success was booked at the beginning, this recognition was not forthcoming and the resistance to it from a variety of groups revolutionary communists, national-socialists, social democrats and conservative capitalists, was too great – even including an attempted attack on Rudolf Steiners life – and so at the beginning of 1922 the Threefolding movement was disbanded and the title of its organ changed to Journal For Free Spiritual Life. Also most economic associations based on the threefold idea were not able, due especially to the horrific inflation, to survive and went bankrupt.

            Now, most if not all books and websites on the history of this movement end at this point in time. However, this overlooks the fact that in the summer of 1922 Rudolf Steiner developed a new way of thinking and speaking for the presentation of the idea at hand.

[1] Only partially translated as Anthroposophy and Anthropology and The Case for Anthroposophy. See  

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This publication contains an annotated English translation of the two Memoranda that Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), founder of anthroposophy, s...